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Humanitarian initiative “Withstand. Overcome. Revive!”

Humanitarian initiative
of the Charitable foundation “Family Circle”
In partnership with Ukrainian Instirute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Institute of Mental Health of the Ukrainian Catholic University
Humanitarian initiative
of the Charitable foundation “Family Circle”
In partnership with Ukrainian Instirute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Institute of Mental Health of the Ukrainian Catholic University

Dear friends,

The war started by putin, has brutally entered the lives of the Ukrainian people. We live with the daily bombardment of our cities, many struggling with lack of electricity, water or access to food and shelter. Civilian and military casualties continue to mount and many more are wounded as each day passes. Over 6 million Ukrainians have left their home, their cities, their lives; searching for refuge in transitory and unfamiliar places. However, there is no true safety whilst putin continues to destroy Ukraine, usurp our freedom, sovereignty and threaten our future.

…And yet, we remain determined: to fight, to bolster our spirits and invincible solidarity as we continue to survive. Together with international support, we will put an end to the russian invasion and restore peace to our beautiful country. We know we will persevere and win!

The ‘Resilience for Ukraine’ project mobilises mental health professionals and volunteers to provide urgent psychological care and support for all those in need. The devastating consequences of this war have already left indelible marks on so many and will continue to do so, long after the end of this horror. Our team provides evolving resources for developing strategies to make evidence-based psychological methods and support widely available, not only to aid individuals in immediate crisis, but to foster national resilience in a time when every aspect of our health, psychical and mental, comes under attack.

We work already intensively to do everything that is possible right now: provide services, trainings etc. We plan to achieve much more, and for that, we require as much support as you can muster. Any professional collaboration or expertise is truly welcome, as well as any financial donations to help us reach more vulnerable and less accessible groups.

We beseech you, please do what you can, wherever you are: support sanctions against russia, protest (if you feel safe enough to do so), donate and volunteer. With your help we will end this war and bring peace to beautiful Ukraine!

about quote

Oleh Romanchuk

child and adolescent psychiatrist, psychotherapist
founder of the charitable foundation “Family circle”
director of the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
and of the Institute of Mental Health of the Ukrainian Catholic University

Our current action plan

(1) Develop and spread evidence-based psychoeducational and self-help resources

  • By providing reliable and helpful support for mental-health challenges as a result of the war
  • Continuing to adapt to evolving health concerns and provide responsive support
  • Facilitating expedient referrals to specific professional help, when required
  • Empowering parents with skills and information to support themselves and their children throughout traumatic events
  • Helping foster individual and national resilience through enabling individuals to employ evidence-based practices independently

(2) Mobilize, educate and support mental health workforce for provision of evidence-based interventions at different levels of care

  • By continuing to train, supervise and support students and graduates of the Ukrainian Institute of Behavioural Therapy and the Institute of Mental Health in evidence-based methods of interventions
  • Providing additional training for specialised war-context skills through webinars
  • Supervision of ethical practice by a readily available team of experts
  • Giving special attention to every-day difficulties including self-care, developing healthy coping mechanisms and encouraging a mutual group of social support
  • Support development of specialized programs of treatment of PTSD and other trauma-related disorders in different cities of Ukraine and implementation of evidence-based apporaches (TF-CBT, EMDR)
  • Providing training sessions and group workshops entitled ‘Children and War: Teaching Recovery Techniques’ in collaboration with the ‘Children of War’ foundation

(3) Provide and make accessible specialized evidence-based mental health services for children and adults who suffered from traumatic experience of war

  • By delivering specialised evidence-based intervention, accessible to the most vulnerable demographics: children, adults struggling with economic/social challenges and the families of military personnel
  • Providing specialised services such trauma-focused psychotherapy (TF-CBT, EMDR) and psychiatric care
  • Establish special program for victims of rape and other psychotraumatic events caused by atrocities
  • Working with ‘Family Circle’ (an expert health-care provider based in Lviv and Kyiv) to extend remote-accessible services without charge for vulnerable groups and partner organisations in order to expand our mental-healthcare network
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War will leave invisible wounds in souls – our response is to provide and make accessible best evidence-based care to heal these wounds, to promote adjustment, resilience, and growth.

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Академія стійкості

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Війна принесла випробування у наше життя. Втім наш вибір – вистояти, перемогти й відродитися. А для цього нам потрібна психологічна стійкість – індивідуальна і колективна. Це те уміння, яке дозволить пройти крізь усі випробування, залишаючись людьми світла, правди й любові, зберігаючи, відновлюючи та плекаючи при цьому наше психічне здоров’я, особистісну цілісність та зріст, наші соціальні зв’язки. Стійкість потребує плекання! І саме у підтримку цього наш відкритий для усіх онлайн навчальний портал «Академія стійкості».

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Psychological Help in response to trauma of war

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The team of the “Family Circle Center” organizes psychological assistance for families who have experienced traumatic events during the war and will implement a number of trainings for specialists, including “Children and War: Teaching Healing Techniques”, educational and psychoeducational activities. The project is supported by the American Foundation Americares and Nova Ukraine.

Make a Charitable Donation

SWIFT transfer in USD:

Beneficiary’s bank: JSC KREDOBANK Lviv, Ukraine SWIFT: WUCBUA2X
Beneficiary: Charity Foundation “Family Circle”
IBAN: UA853253650000000260030020712
Please make a note in payment document that this is a “charity donation”

SWIFT transfer in EURO:

Intermediary bank: COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt, Germany SWIFT: COBADEFF
Beneficiary’s bank: JSC KREDOBANK Lviv, Ukraine SWIFT: WUCBUA2X
Beneficiary: Charity Foundation “Family Circle”
IBAN: UA673253650000000260000035038
Please make a note in payment document that this is a “charity donation”

Support the charitable foundation "Family Circle"

We value honesty, trust and transparency. We guarantee the allocation of funds for the above humanitarian activities. We will publish a report on the Foundation’s activities and the results of an independent audit, reporting annually to our benefactors and the community.


гуманітарна ініціатива 
«вистояти. перемогти. відродитися!» | humanitarian initiative "withstand. overcome. revive!" | центр "коло сім'ї"

Charitable Foundation “Family Circle”
e-mail: kolo.simyi.charity@gmail.com
tel. +38-098-559-65-21
Yaroslavenka 21,
Lviv, 79011

гуманітарна ініціатива 
«вистояти. перемогти. відродитися!» | humanitarian initiative "withstand. overcome. revive!" | центр "коло сім'ї"

Центр здоров’я та розвитку «Коло сім’ї» та благодійний фонд «Коло сім’ї» прагнуть створити та підтримувати середовище, яке пропагує основну цінність людської гідності та запобігає домаганням, зловживанням та експлуатації своїх працівників та партнерів та плекає найвищі стандарти етичної професійної допомоги.

Запис на прийом

Виберіть філію:

Запис на консультацію у Львові

Пн-Пт 10:00-17:00

Запис на консультацію у Києві

для дитини/підлітка:

Пн-Пт 10:00-18:00

для дорослої особи:

Пн-Пт 09:00-17:00

Запис у телеклініку

Пн-Пт 10:00-17:00