Charity foundation “Family Circle”
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Charity foundation “Family Circle”

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Mission and Vision

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We promote mental health and personal development. We are convinced that mental health is rooted in the family. Therefore, our goal is the development of family support programs through the Foundation’s activities – especially families who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. We know that this work in Ukraine requires extensive cooperation, effective innovation and reform and we want to work together to achieve this. We want to work in a way that Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky once spoke: “Not by a stream of noisy and boisterous words, but by quiet, tireless daily work…”

Our Strategic Goals

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Fostering resilience in response to war

Faced with war we are dedicated to promote resilence of Ukrainian people both at national and individual level and to provide necessary psychological help to all people who will need it so that all invisible wounds of war  will be healed and we can revive as nation.

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Accessible Services for All Children in Need

The Family Circle Charitable Foundation focuses on providing quality professional mental health services to vulnerable groups free of charge or at discounted rates. Orphans and families in difficult life circumstances, including those who suffer as a result of the current context of the war in Ukraine are at the heart of our work.

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Development of Support Programs for Parents

We believe that supporting parents is the best strategy to prevent mental health problems and foster psychological resilience. Thanks to the Foundation’s activities, we are developing a model of “parenting schools” – in particular to support family forms of care. We also actively support all parent initiatives – we believe that parents are main element in lobbying for change and reform.

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Education and Innovation

We are aware that we need to go a long way to create quality and fundamental reform of the mental health care system in Ukraine. And we actively support this – from the development of the national concept of reforms, which involved consulting leading experts of the Center, to the implementation of numerous innovative and educational projects. We are aware that these changes are possible only through joint efforts, therefore we actively create networks of partnerships.

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“The future of our societies will depend on how much attention we pay to the mental health of our children today …”

Ahmed Akasha

former President of the World Association of Psychiatrists

Key Areas of Reform Support

Awareness-raising and Overcoming Stigma

We are aware of the importance of awareness-raising, wide psychoeducation, therefore, we work systemically on its various components. A large-scale information portal on mental health has been added to the Center’s website. We support all kinds of activities to overcome stigma and strive to create communities open to the gift and value of life of each individual.

Development of the Services and Partnerships Network

We are aware that a holistic system of mental health care can only exist in a form of network of services, where every link is important. We understand that networks do not arise by themselves; they are created by painstaking daily work focused on building partnerships. We believe that effective partnerships, joint efforts, and good relations are at the core of the implementation of important social reforms in this area.

Prevention and Promotion

We promote mental health prevention programs and believe this is the best strategy! We are focused on fostering resilience. At the same time, we emphasize that mental health is not just the absence of mental health disorders, but a state of well-being, happiness, development, and self-actualization. We need to be able to cultivate this state – this is what our activities promoting positive mental health are aimed at.

Training of Specialists

Specialists are essential to the implementation of all important reforms, programs and services. They are the most valuable resource, and therefore need nurturing, support and quality education. In cooperation with our strategic educational partners – the Ukrainian Institute of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Ukrainian Catholic University – we implement up-to-date educational training programs to train specialists.

Development of Programs at the Primary Level

Children spend most of their time in educational institutions, therefore, educators directly influence children’s mental health. Equally important are physicians who provide support to children and their families from when children are born. Our initiatives are aimed at supporting the development of child and youth mental health care programs at the primary care level.

Implementation of Evidence Based Services

Scientific validity is at the heart of all effective service. Therefore, we focus on the development of up-to-date evidence-based services, training of specialists in research-based methods, translation of protocols, and development of local routes of assistance on their basis – for children, youth, adults and the elderly.

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Програма 7П

Нашою командою розроблено цілісне бачення тих змін, які необхідно нам втілити для розвитку в Україні цілісною та багаторівневої системи турботи про психічне здоров’я дітей та молоді. Вона є нашим баченням реформ, стратегією для розвитку наших програм, просвітницьких ініціатив, мережевої співпраці.

Humanitarian Initiative in Response to the War

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Withstand. Overcome. Revive!

Glory to Ukraine! War is happening on our native land. We are all determined to fight relentlessly for a complete victory! The team of our Center together with our partner organizations created a humanitarian initiative “Withstand. Triumph. Revive!” With the help of this initiative we will provide free professional assistance to victims of war, as well as develop informational resources and conduct trainings for specialists in psychological support.
Together – we are a strong! Together – we will win!

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The war will leave invisible wounds in our soul. Our goal is to provide all those affected by war with up-to-date, evidence-based, effective professional assistance and support. To heal these wounds, to cultivate psychological resilience and growth… We firmly believe we will not only rebuild our country, we will revive to create new pages of our history – and they will be full of Light…

Current Projects of the Family Circle Foundation

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Mental Health for Ukraine Project

The team of the “Family Circle Center” takes part in the national project “Mental Health for Ukraine”, which is being implemented with the support of the Swiss Confederation. The aim of this project is to support the development of up-to-date, evidence-based, network-based mental health services in our community.

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Psychological Help in response to trauma of war

The team of the “Family Circle Center” organizes psychological assistance for families who have experienced traumatic events during the war and will implement a number of trainings for specialists, including “Children and War: Teaching Healing Techniques”, educational and psychoeducational activities. The project is supported by the American Foundation Americares and Nova Ukraine.

Make a Charitable Donation

SWIFT transfer in USD:

Beneficiary’s bank: JSC KREDOBANK Lviv, Ukraine SWIFT: WUCBUA2X
Beneficiary: Charity Foundation “Family Circle”
IBAN: UA853253650000000260030020712
Please make a note in payment document that this is a “charity donation”

SWIFT transfer in EURO:

Intermediary bank: COMMERZBANK AG, Frankfurt, Germany SWIFT: COBADEFF
Beneficiary’s bank: JSC KREDOBANK Lviv, Ukraine SWIFT: WUCBUA2X
Beneficiary: Charity Foundation “Family Circle”
IBAN: UA673253650000000260000035038
Please make a note in payment document that this is a “charity donation”

Support the charitable foundation "Family Circle"

We value honesty, trust and transparency. We guarantee the allocation of funds for the above humanitarian activities. We will publish a report on the Foundation’s activities and the results of an independent audit, reporting annually to our benefactors and the community.


благодійний фонд «коло сім’ї» | charity foundation "family circle" | центр "коло сім'ї"

Charitable Foundation “Family Circle”
tel. +38-098-559-65-21
Yaroslavenka 21,
Lviv, 79011

благодійний фонд «коло сім’ї» | charity foundation "family circle" | центр "коло сім'ї"

Центр здоров’я та розвитку «Коло сім’ї» та благодійний фонд «Коло сім’ї» прагнуть створити та підтримувати середовище, яке пропагує основну цінність людської гідності та запобігає домаганням, зловживанням та експлуатації своїх працівників та партнерів та плекає найвищі стандарти етичної професійної допомоги.

Family circle": where there is love..

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